General Information

Bohemi 40 S.L is a company registered in the Companies’ House of Palma de Mallorca, volume 1227, book 0, folio 164, section 8, sheet PM-19417, with registered office at C/ Llaüt, 57, CP 07600, El Arenal-Palma. Telephone number +34 971 264 281, web, email: Spanish Company Registration number CIF B-07711450.

Services Provided

BOHEMI 40 S.L, being responsible for this website, provides its users with this document in order to comply with Law 34/2002 on Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services and inform users about its terms of use.

Anyone accessing the website becomes a user, thereby accepting the terms of use hereto and further relevant legal requirements.

Bohemi 40 is a company that offers through its website, car and van rental. The information on the website is only for information purposes. For further detailed information, conditions and prices, please contact the company by email, phone or fax.

Personal Data Protection

BOHEMI 40 is deeply committed to complying with the Spanish Data Protection Law and guarantees its whole compliance as well as the implementation of the security measures as set out in Art. 9 of Law 15/1999, (Spanish Data Protection Law-LOPD in Spanish) and the regulations developing the Data Protection Act.

Data provided by the user, will be stored in BOHEMI 40’s database with the purpose of rendering the services offered in this website as well as conducting publicity and promotional offers in any medium, including emails o similar electronic means.

The user has the right, with reference to the data in the forms, to access his/her information held on our database in order to enjoy the right of access, rectification and cancellation thereof according to the Spanish Law 15/1999, by writing to: BOHEMI 40 S.L. (C/. Llaüt, 57 – 07600 El Arenal-Palma de Mallorca, Tel.: 971 264 281, e-mail: